EMS DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird is an impressive and easy-to-use tool for creating InterBase/Firebird database backups in a form of SQL scripts. This database script utility allows you to save metadata of all InterBase/Firebird database objects as well as InterBase/Firebird table data as database snapshot. DB Extract scripts InterBase/Firebird database objects in the correct order according to their dependencies. Flexible customization of the extract process enables you to select objects and data tables for InterBase/Firebird database dump and tune many other extract options. DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird includes a graphical wizard that will guide you through the InterBase/Firebird extract process step by step, and a command-line utility for creating InterBase/Firebird backups in one-touch. Key Features * Support of Unicode data * User-friendly wizard interface * Selecting database objects for extraction * Possibility to define constraints for extracted table data * Possibility to insert statements for emptying tables before inserting extracted data * Extracting table data to SQL script as INSERT statements * Possibility to extract database objects in the correct order according to their dependencies * Possibility to compress the result script and split it into volumes * Possibility to select charset for the result file * Saving all extraction parameters set on the current wizard session * Command-line utility to extract metadata and data using the configuration file * Access to database through SSH tunnel
Download and use it now: EMS DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird